KERATOCONUS IS A PREGRESSIVE CORNEAL EYE DISEASE in which the thickness of the cornea thins and the curvature begins to bulge into a steeper cone-like shape. This cone shape cornea causes light to scatter and defocus causing distorted vision.

In early stages, keratoconus causes slight blurred, distorted vision, and glare with increased light sensitivity. Keratoconus often starts in the teenage years to early 20’s. Often patients with good vision throughout their earlier life now suddenly and drastically have decreased vision. Each eye may have different severity of keratoconus.
Often, keratoconus patients experience is large fluctuation in their eyeglasses prescription and often times unhappy with their eyeglasses as the fluctuating eyeglass prescription can cause eyestrain and headaches.
Keratoconus have a genetic link and a hereditary component. It can run in families therefore it is a good idea to have family members screened for this condition.
- An eye doctor may uncover the disease during an eye exam. Symptoms of keratoconus may be discussed during the exam which include:
- A sudden change of vision in one eye.
- Double vision when looking with just one eye
- Objects distorted at distance and near
- Haloes and glare around light sources especially at low light conditions.
- Seeing ghost images
- Eyestrain and/or uncomfortable vision due to blurry vision
This diagnostic instrument allows the doctor to analyze the shape of your corneal and helps in diagnosing keratoconus.
This diagnostic instrument measures and analyzes the thickness of the corneal in different sections throughout the cornea.